pp108 : User Level Views

User Level Views

This topic describes functionality of each user-level view that you can use to monitor an aspect related to an assigned user.


The following are the user-level views:



Corresponding Composite Control

Completed Vs Scheduled Tasks for User for Activity

Provides a view of the workload for a selected user through comparison of the number of completed tasks as against the number of scheduled tasks along with the task backlog, for a specific activity and for the specified period in a graphical format.


Completed Vs Scheduled Tasks for User across Processes

Provides a view of the number of completed tasks as against the number of scheduled tasks for a selected user along with the task backlog, across processes, for the specified period in a graphical format.


Note: The time values displayed will be based on the time zone of the client browser in a 12-hour format.



Related concepts

Standard Views

Related tasks

Configuring Drill-down from Activity-Level Views
Configuring Drill-down from Instance-Level Views
Configuring Drill-down from Operational-Level Views
Configuring Drill-down from Process-Level Views
Configuring Drill-down from User-Level Views

Related reference

Process-Level Views
Activity-Level Views
Operational-Level Views
Instance-Level View